Monday 28 April 2014

Oh! The horror!

1st Feburary, math class. (the sucky chapter straight lines in full flow), 306 Podar.
"Bachcho!  Bachcho..."
" that is how you find the intersection point of lines, without finding them...yada yada ...homogenisation (The joke, which can't be mentioned here).."

An ear piercing screech made heads turn around.
What could've possibly caused that?
The equation  ax^2 +by^2 +2hxy+ 2gx+ 2fy+ c=0 is not THAT scary.

Paridhi, had seen a rat. -.- like please reserve the 120 dB screams for reptiles at least. Not that I don't love paridhi.

All of us are scared of something, ranging from snakes to the paranormal and from (I absolutely fail to understand this one)dogs to god(more thoughts on that later).
However , my greatest fear is rather uncommon because what petrifies me is the human being itself.

Yeah, most people give my that look when I say( read: write ) that out. Gimme a chance to elaborate, if you please:
The easiest and the most boring way of proving my point would be to give you the stats

 Another way would be to do it pictorially
Take your pick Mr. Criminal!

But my point of writing this article is not to make you androphobic, this is more of an introscopic exercise because if stats are what scare me then I genuinely should switch to something more specific like global warming or the economic depression.

Why do I fail to trust the policeman in my pre dawn local and go and sit in the general class where I am not alone. Why is it that my cousins these days own mobiles at the age of 10, some blame it on "weak parenting" and "kharab zamana" et all but I've seen how anxious my aunt gets whenever my sister leaves their home, even if it is to go get a loaf of bread.
"Text me when you reach,
text me when you are moving back,
text me when you are about to reach,
text me when you are about to leave."
These are the urban mother's standard ways of saying goodbye.
As patchy as these sentences sound all of you can relate to them, especially if you are a girl.

I find other human beings (more specifically men but these days you can't trust women not to hurt you)  scary because being a human myself I know that amount of damage I can cause to another person's life.

'Humanity' and 'brotherhood' have become mere answers to value based questions. Moreover (coming back to the introscopic part) I don't really practice being a Good Samaritan either.
It started with '..why should I pick up that wrapper, I didn't throw it" followed by "...too bad old lady I'm too tired and I came here first' (as crass as that sounds, who hasn't done that?)

This brings me to my New Years resolution (better late than never much? :P)

Not to let my apathy evolve to the dangerous level of '...why should I meddle in other people's business'?"
 or to modify congress' motto:
'हम नहीं मै"
 Purn Viram.