Monday 2 September 2019

I've become a serial data collector

I'm interning in the risk analysis department of Deutsche Bank. So, I deal with Excels for a major part of my day.
I LOVE EXCEL. I hate my work, lol, but I do love Excels. I have been documenting my life, as closely as possible for the past two months.

It started with writing down my expenses, (I know the amount down to the exact rupee, what category do I usually spend on and even the exact thing I bought with the money)
Here is a small sampler:

Day AmountEateryTravelRemarks
Monday50BalajiPani puri
240ministry of eggAnda Thaali
60Metro+AutoTo and back from J's
Tuesday20PastryV's birthday contri
60Nirlon canteenManchurian noodles,
Bun Maska
1326GallopsChicken Kurchan,
Dori Kebab,
Cheesecake, Naan, Teacher's
69UberHome (From Gallops)
10BusTo Gallops
Wednesday30CanteenSev Puri
Thursday20Vending machineKitkat
50Metro+ AutoTo J's
160UberTo home from J's
240TheobromaBanana cake + Millionaire brownie
Friday30CanteenSev Puri

This was a typical week's expense, the weekends tend to be costlier, more on that later.
I'm earning 50k/month from my internship and I save rent by staying with my parents.

So, yeah, I'll be talking and sharing more of the data I've collected on me so that you can have a baseline to compare, for like, everything in general. 
Data should be available more freely and analytics should not be confined to coders with large data dumps available to them. This is a more of an exercise for me to see how will I make sense of this data and leverage it to make my life better. 

Just thought documenting this will be fun. Not going to make it pretty by adding more pictures, different fonts, etc. Or maybe I will someday when I'm bored. Anyhu, this is it for now.