Saturday 4 May 2013

Life & Mind

*Stretches her fingers*
No, it's really important when you have typing to do, my gen knows that. ;)

So, what exactly goes on in the life of a sixteen year old?
(No, this is not like those Rs. 100 wali books that you buy from the roadside book seller, by some shady publishing house and most importantly this is NOT about a(nother!!!) love story. None of those cliches, pinky promise.)

Let's begin by why I'm eligible to write this blog:
  • I'm a solah saal purani, girl.
  • I have an unbelievably weird sense of humor (the world needs me!)
  • I have recently shifted from a tine-weenie (but completely adorable) town to the maximus city.
So, yeah I'm the most imperfect person who can talk about being sixteen.

Everyone wants to stay stuck at sixteen (exempt George Cloony from this, that guy is like wine...he just gets
better and better). However, this age is the MOST "not-understood-by-anyone-wali" age...personally I don't understand myself daily often. But before I go further ahead, I want to clear my head...I'm writing this blog because:
  1. I wanna have rotten eggs/tomatoes/a Twilight book etcetra thrown at me?  
  2. I want vengeance from the world by writing utter torocorpo?
  3. I don't have a life and have nothing better to do apart from pressing these square buttons on this yantr?

Nope, none of that really (but if you do wanna throw something at me -rant alert: which would be very difficult since you'll have to track me down, nonetheless I trust my writing skills enough to drive thee- pleaseeee let it be a rotten tomato/egg and not be a twilight book, I'll really hate you then :X)

This blog is for ME!
Being sixteen is awesome (most of the time) and what I really wanna do is preserve these memories for a later point in my life when I've forgotten what being at "sweet  sixteen" was like.
So why would YOU read it?

This is for teenagers, all around the world (and beyond) who can have their  "aha!" moments reading my posts and feel "Hey! I'm not the only one!!" or feel "wow! the author is weird" or maybe even enjoy a (rare) "friend found" moment!
This is for all the people were sixteen sometime back ,biologically that is, but have never grown up really (if you are one of them then *high five* people tell me my mental growth stopped when I was six! :P )

And lastly but most importantly, this is for all the elders who are trying to find out:
"what goes on in the life+mind of a sixteen year old? 

Catch you on the flip side! :D


  1. u will make an excellent blogger..!!! :)

  2. am a regular blogger and read a lot of posts but in the recent times this happens to be among my best read.
    I am sure I'm going to relive my those 'sweet sixteen' days and I am looking forward to many more fun filled posts from you.
    Welcome to the Blogger Family
    ~Stay blessed~
